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По умолчанию Test/review of Nitecore 18650 2900mAh NL1829LTHP (Black-yellow) 2018

Nitecore 18650 2900mAh NL1829LTHP (Black-yellow) 2018

Official specifications:
  • Capacity: 2900mAh
  • Voltage: 3.6V
  • Current: 8A
  • Low temperature resistant to -40°C

This is a protected 18650 cell that can be used at lower temperatures.

THe normal test shows a good quality cell that can handle up to 5A, the protection trips if discharge for some time at 7A.

The test below is done in a freezer with free air around the battery, all equipment is outside the freezer.

This is a 1A discharge at -20°C, the batteries fairly fast increase their temperature with 5°C and this improves the performance.
Note: Temperature curve is behind the internal battery temperature, i.e. the red curve will react way faster than the blue curve.

At 2A discharge the voltage drops to nearly 3V, but recovers significantly when the battery heats up.

The 3A discharge nearly hit the termination voltage, before it recovers. The batteries are above 0°C when the discharge is done.


The battery is a good quality LiIon battery and it sort of works in the cold. The "sort of" is because it need to heat itself up to get some performance.

Notes and links

The battery was supplied by a Nitecore for review.

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries
My website with reviews of charges, batteries and other stuff: http://www.lygte-info.dk/
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