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Старый 14.09.2014, 22:29 Автор темы   1
Аватар для FlashLion
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По умолчанию Klarus XT11-small review with interesting photos

Hello.I want to share my impressions of Klarus XT11. I will post many photos so You can see every detail.Enjoy

The first impression of the appearance is great color anodisation-excellent dark gray anodizing.Very nice to touch.Impressive are cooling fins on the head not only for beauty.They do very good work.The clip seems stable,but I do not usually use this type of attachment for this size flashlights.The grip of the flashlight is very comfortable as the tactical ring adds strength to the grip.The cnurling of the flashlight is excellent.

The LED Cree XM-L U2 is well centered.Anti-reflective toughened glass is absolutely clean and clear.

Detachable stainless steel bezel is very good option and very stylish.You can buy extra accessories-colored filters and diffuser.

Both keys are of sufficient size and are easy to use.For me no need of time to get familiar with dual button design.The battery tube is very well sized thickness.Protected 18650 batteries fit very well.Forward clicky is quiet and comfortable to pressing.

Threads are high quality and thick enough although not square.Both head and tailcap threads are very well greased.

compared with black flashlight

The hot spot of the light is very big (sometimes it's useful,sometimes not so) and bright enough.XT11 is not a thrower but thanks to the deep reflector and large amount of lumens the flashlight illuminates very far.I can see the light spot on a building which is 200 meters away from me.The medium lighting mode of 150 lumens is very useful when long run time is needed.The Low lighting mode of 10 lumen can be used for reading.
I did not test for the runtime,current consumption and brightness but You can see this information in other reviews.Visibly flashlight lit without much difference from 4.2 to 3.5 volts with 18650 battery.There is PWM but it's necessary to operate dual button switch.

High Medium Low

Textured orange peel reflector

Generally work with double button switch is very convenient and saves the rotation of the head or the search for the second button somewhere on the body.When I use this size flashlights I always use highest lighting mode so no memory is perfect for me.Quick and momentary access to strobe is another important thing for me.I can signal to someone very quickly and easily.Strobe can be activated from any lighting level.

XT11 comes with the basic necessary accessories.
Тhere are some things that could be better,but generally the flashlight is very pleasant for use and is worth it.

My video review:high quality pics at the end

Прямая ссылка на видео YouTube

Outdoor beamshots :huh:
Here areML T6+52mm OP reflector(1.5A); Klarus XT11 XML U2; XPG R5+TIR optic(1.4A); XRE Q5+smooth reflector(1A); XRE Q5+TIR optic(700mA).(from right to left)

The distance is ~25 meters; Exposure time 8 s; F3.3

Enjoy :twothumbs
Visit my Blog............ My Pictures on Flickr
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