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По умолчанию Jil Lite PenENT Penlight (Osram Power, 2xAAA Ni-MH or Alkarine or Lithium) Review

This is the 2xAAA PenENT penlight with an Osram Power emitter from Jil Lite. This penlight was developed for ENT doctor.

The light arrived in a simple cardboard box. Included in the case was the penlight with a pocket clip (attached), two AAA alkarine Duracell batteries and manual.
Manufacturer Specifications from Jil Lite website & manual :

• LED : Osram Power LED
• Luminous Flux : 80 lumens
• Runtime : 3~4 hours
• Lens : BK7 Convexo-convex Lens (Both side AR coated)
• Battery : 2xAAA (Duracell battery included)
• Dimension : φ15 (apex to apex) x 122mm, φ13.2 (side to side) x 122mm
• Weight : 25g (without battery)
• Waterproof : Up to 30m

The PenENT is a nice and solid-looking penlight. I don't know the type of the anodizing, but seems to be a type I or II. My review sample is a matt blue finish and consistent throughout with no chips or blemishes to be found. There are six colors available for purchase (black, natural, white, red, violet, green, blue), and my review sample is blue. The body has hexagonal section with no knurling. It's a bit slippery when holding the light, but the clip and lines on the body helps enhance grip. So the overall grip is acceptable for typical penlight use.

PenENT looks thicker but shorter than real ball pen.

The light is divided into 2 parts.

The penlight has a stainless steel bezel ring that seems very tightly glued. The reason why it was glued is perfect waterproof. The 30m waterproof is one of the distinctive aspects of the penlight. The lens is deeply recessed from the tip of the bezel ring to prevent lens from scratching & impact.
The penlight uses the both side AR coated convexo-convex lens. You will see sky blue hue is reflected on the lens. There is only a condensing lens with no reflector in the head. So you would get the even beam with no hotspot. The Osram power LED looks to be well-centered on the electronic circuit surface.

The penlight has a physical reverse polarity protection to protect from incorrect battery installation.


The whole area of the body is covered by the sleek lines, and these lines are good for aesthetic effect. Printed on the sides are model name and manufacturer of the penlight.

The stainless steel pocket clip is nicely engraved with manufacturer. It acts as an anti-roll feature with the sleek lines on the body, so the light doesn't accidentally roll off. The pocket clip seems very strong. It holds fabric of the shirt pocket well. The clip is removable after taking off the o-ring first from the end of the body. There is a small battery mark on the body end, showing you the correct orientation of the batteries. But you don't need to worry much about wrong batteries installation, because the light has a physical reverse polarity protection function in the head.

The screw threads on the body are triangular-cut of good quality and well machined. Both male and female threads are anodized which allows the light to be locked out when the tailcap is slightly loosened. Thanks to the anodized threads, there is an option to turn the light off and on by twisting the body instead of clicking the tail switch when on. As supplied, threads are well lubricated, screw threads action is smooth with no cross-threading or squeaking on my sample.

There is a negative contact spring in the tailcap. The tail switch is a forward clicky and has a bit stiff tension with a bit long travel. The switch has a distinctive "click" sound. I would suggest you lock the light out so that it does not inadvertently activate if stuffed in the bag or pocket. The switch is protruded and has a rubberized grippy texture that makes it relatively easy to access with bare hands.
User Interface

Operation is quite simple, as the penlight has a single mode. It is controlled by a forward clicky tail switch with momentary on. You can soft-press to momentary turn on the penlight. Click to lock the penlight on. Click to turn it off.

From left to right, Sanyo Eneloop AAA, OHLED A3, Jil Lite PenENT, Eagletac PN20a2, Olight O'Pen. The head size & light weight excluding batteries are as follows :
OHLED A3 - 14.05mm / 19g, PenENT - 13.7mm / 48g, PN20a2 - 15.7mm / 28g, O'Pen - 10.6mm / 22g
The PenENT is heavier than other penlights even though it's the shortest of all. It's a substantial penlight, with apparently a heavier body which is good, considering the waterproof and durability.

It is good size to hold and can be used as an EDC light. There is a very slight rattle only when shaking the light up and down very hard, but you will not notice it in normal use or carry of the light in real life. Overall build quality is very high.
Measured Dimensions & Weight

The wall thickness of the body is 1.17mm. The light feel very solid.

The lights show no sign of PWM. It seems to be current controlled. I notice there is no buzzing sound.

The runtime to fall to 10% of its initial output from 30 seconds after the point the light is first turned on (i.e., based on ANSI FL-1) is as follows :
1) 2xSanyo Eneloop AAA (800mAh) : 189min (3hr 9min)
2) 2xDuracell Ultra AAA : 132min (2hr 12min)
3) 2xEnergizer Ultimate Lithium AAA : 323min (5hr 23min)

There is a bit rapid drop-off (appr. 31%) over the first 2~7mins. After the drop-off, regulation is maintained very nicely. That pattern was consistent on all batteries tested.

The output on Lithium does drop much more rapidly than Eneloop and Alkarine batteries. Runtime on Lithium has relatively quite longer than other batteries as expected. The head part of the penlight doesn't get hot while running. The runtime in my test is consistent with the spec. Jil Lite claims.
1. White door beamshot (about 50cm from the white door on Max. output on Eneloop AAA's)
- ISO100, F/3.2, 1/60sec, Auto white balance

- ISO100, F/3.2, 1/125sec, Auto white balance

- ISO100, F/3.5, 1/250sec, Auto white balance

The beam is very smooth and even with no hotspot. There is a slightly bright ring with a slightly different tint on the outside of the beam. I assume it's more likely due to a combination of the deep stainless steel bezel ring and the small sized convex lens. The PenENT has a rather cool white tint, but nice beam quality overall.
2. Indoor beamshot (about 0.4m from the target on Min. output on Eneloop AAA's)
- ISO100, F/2.8, 1/20sec, Auto white balance






Sorry, 40cm was a typing mistake in the "light bulb" picture. The actual distance from the target(newspaper) is 1m. 40cm in other pictures is correct.
3. Indoor beamshot (about 0.6m from the target on Min. output on Eneloop AAA's)
- ISO100, F/2.8, 1/20sec, Auto white balance






Sorry, 60cm was a typing mistake in the "light bulb" picture. The actual distance from the target(newspaper) is 1m. 60cm in other pictures is correct.
The smooth illumination makes a nice beam profile for use on specific tasks such as examination of the patient's affected part and close-up works. Thanks to the lack of a reflector in the head, you will get a wall of excellent even and smooth beam without hotspot.
4. Indoor beamshot (about 3.5m from the target on Max. output on Eneloop AAA's)
- ISO100, F/2.8, 1/2sec, Auto white balance


5. Indoor beamshot (about 7.0m from the target on Max. output on Eneloop AAA's)
- ISO100, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance


The photos above show you how much flood coverage one gets out of the PenENT. Suffice to say, the PenENT is not made for throw and long distance.
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