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По умолчанию ReviewTheLight: Thrunite Lynx

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In the Lynx, Thrunite has developed one of the first single-emitter single-cell lights to reach for 1000 lumens, and has given it one of the most unique user interface's I've seen in a flashlight.

Thanks to Thrunite for providing the Lynx for review.

I’ll be reviewing the Lynx in two sections: first, I’ll discuss the light objectively (the facts about the light itself), then I’ll discuss the light subjectively (my impressions about the light's performance when used for specific applications). If you have any other specific applications you'd like the light tested for, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Video Review

Below is a video review of the Lynx. Due to my old image hosting site closing down, I've got new restrictions on image uploads and have replaced the "Construction" section of my reviews with a more detailed video review.

Прямая ссылка на видео YouTube

This video is available in 1080p HD, but defaults to a lower quality. To select the playback quality click the settings button (looks like a gear) after you've started the video.


Manufacturer's Specifications

Price: 129 USD


Plus, here's a few shots with some good detail.

User Interface

The Lynx has a very unique user interface, being controlled by a large metal rear switch and the rotation of the tail. There are four positions which the rotating tail can be set to, one is momentary-on max and the other three are constant-on and user-selectable from an infinitely variable ramping system.

The momentary-on position is on at the far counter-clockwise position when viewing the tail. The light turns on at max brightness when the switch is held down, and turns off when the switch is released.

The three user-selectable positions can each be set independently, and the chosen setting will activate when the switch is pressed once, then the light will turn off when the switch is pressed again. To set the output for a certain position, you first set the tail to that position, then press and hold on the switch. The light will begin to ramp through the available brightnesses and slow or fast strobe. When you reach the desired setting, release the switch, and that will be memorized as the setting for that position until the next time you change the battery.

Update: It seems that your settings are memorized even between battery changes. :cool: Also, there is an electronic lockout mode activated and deactivated by pressing the switch three times rapidly, which also is remembered between battery changes, so keep that in mind if you think your Lynx is broken.

Action Shots

You can click on any of these shots to see them full size.

Light in Hand

White Wall (Min, Middle, Max)
ISO 100, f/3.5, 1/20"



Indoor Shots (Min, Middle, Max)
ISO 100, f/3.5, 1"

Outdoor Shots (
Min, Middle, Max)
ISO 100, f/3.5, 2.5"

Long-Range Shots (
ISO 100, f/3.5, 5"


Submersion: I submersed the Lynx under a foot of water for about an hour, pressing the switch several times and rotating the tail. I found no evidence of water entering or damaging the light.

Heat: The Lynx gets warm quickly when on Max, but is forced to step down in brightness after a few minutes then cools off.

PWM: I cannot detect pulse-width modulation on any output level of the Lynx, or even during the ramping process.

Drop: I dropped the Lynx from about a meter onto various surfaces (including grass, carpet, dirt, and hard wood), and found no cosmetic or functional damage.

Reverse Polarity Protection: I can find no claims of reverse polarity protection, so be sure to insert the battery correctly.

Over-Discharge Protection: The Lynx spends quite a bit of time at a very low brightness when the battery voltage is low, so that's your signal to charge the battery.

Spectral Analysis

All light that we see as white is actually made up of several different colors put together. The relative intensities of the different colors in the mix are what determine the tint of the white we see. For example, cool white LED's have a lot of blue, and warm white LED's have more red or yellow. This measurement was done on a home made spectrometer. The plot below the picture is corrected for the spectral sensitivity of the human eye. Note: the peak in the 900nm region doesn't really exist, it's a piece of the second-order spectrum that's showing up here because of the high intensity of the light source.

Output and Runtime

ANSI FL-1 runtime ratings are the time it takes for a light to fall to 10% of it's original output (counting from 30 seconds after turning the light on).

The vertical axis of the graphs below represents a relative brightness measurement using a home made light box. The horizontal axis is time in hours:minutes:seconds. Runtimes are stated in hours:minutes:seconds. These graphs may be truncated to show detail.

Mode Comparison



I'm actually pretty proud of this graph. My instrumentation can only measure at a max rate of 1 Hz, but the Lynx has a ramping time of just under 18 seconds, so to get a good ramping graph I recorded for about 50 cycles and overlaid the cycles on top of each other.

Throwing Distance

ANSI FL-1 standard for stating a light's throwing distance is the distance at which the peak beam intensity (usually at the center of the beam) is 0.25 lux. I calculate throwing distance and candela (lux at 1 meter) by measuring peak beam intensity at five different distances and using the formula lux*distance^2=constant.

Peak Beam Intensity: 22259 cd
Throw Distance: 298 m

Subjective Review

Quick break down:

+ Excellent brightness range
+ Unique user interface
+ Large, quiet switch
+ Strong clip removable w/o tools
+ Looks awesome
+ Diffuser
+ Heat dissipation fins
+ Mule mode
+ Good grip

- UI take some time to learn
- Clip hard to actually use
- Large for it's class

The most notable feature of the Lynx is it's innovative user interface, so I'll start with that. First, I'll say that it confused me for a bit trying to figure it out without using the manual (the tail has printed on it "Read Manual Before Operation", so of course I had to try operation before reading the manual ), but after reading the manual and a bit of playing with it I got the hang of it without too much trouble. I won't go into detail on how it works again (see above for that) but generally, it's the kind of thing that you'll set once and likely leave it where you set it most of the time. The ramping pattern is very well done, so it's easy to select any brightness you want because it moves at just the right pace, and pauses with some blinks at both the max and mix brightness. Again, it takes a bit of getting used to, but it's well worth the effort. The drawback is that this isn't the sort of light you can just hand off to a friend and they'll be able to use it instantly.

As far as I can tell, the switch itself seems very sturdy, and through the time I've used it I haven't been able to sense any degradation in it's function. It's not a switch like any I've used before, but I do like it a lot. It's large size makes it very easy to press even with gloves on, though you do have to remember to unscrew the tail a bit before putting it in a bag as a lockout precaution. Because it's an electron switch, it's much quieter than a standard clickly switch, which can be an advantage on some situations. There's just a soft sound of metal rubbing on metal if you press it quickly, but if you go slow the sound in minimal. The rotary tail also seems quite sturdy, but again I haven't seen anything like this before so I'm anxious to see how it holds up. The grooves cut into it make it easy to operate even with gloves on as well.

Next, the output. The Lynx claims 1000 lumens, and actually comes surprisingly close to reaching that (if you charged your battery to 4.21 V, you might just hit it ). Also, the Lynx claims a low output of 1.2 lumens, and I measured about .7, so that gives it an effective range of about 1 - 1000 lumens, which is very rare and very desirable. The low level is great for when you don't want to ruin your night vision, and of course it's always great to have a high output available.

The clip on the Lynx is extremely strong. I'm not really knowledgeable about metal and alloy types, but this clip has a lot of force available to it when you clip it on something. It's also got my favorite clip attachment design: it's made so that it's secured under a removable ring in the tail section, so that it can't come off when you don't want it to, but it's easy to take off an on without tools. The only drawback to the clip on the Lynx is that it takes some practice to actually clip it to some places, because the head is wider than the body and gets in the way of the opening of the clip.

Another feature I really like of the Lynx is the "mule" mode (I'll try to add some pictures of this). You can remove the head leaving the emitter bare with no reflector, which leads to an extremely floody and even beam of light. If you plan to use "mule" mode for a while, you can even remove the reflector from the head and screw the head back on, so that the emitter will still be protected by the lens (though this will of course decrease the beam angle as compared to with the head off). If you don't want to go through that trouble, the Lynx actually has a very good diffuser as an option for replacing the removable bezel (this was included in my review sample, I'm not sure if it's a standard or optional accessory).

Mule Mode:

The only main drawback is it's large size. It's significantly larger than other lights in it's class with similar reflector size, likely due to it's tail switch/ring design, and also a deal heavier, likely due to extra mass added for movement of the heat it produces. It's a necessary tradeoff if you want the performance. If Thrunite made a smaller version (say a same-diameter head and body design, 1-500 lumens, same tail design but a bit smaller), it would be a contender for my EDC pocket-light.

Overall, the Lynx is a unique light, and I've really enjoyed using it. If you want an excellent output range with higher high and lower low than standard in this class, and don't mind the extra size or learning a new type of UI, the Lynx is a great choice.

Long Term Impressions
I'll fill this part in after carrying the light for a while. If nothing get's added here, either I find nothing else worth noting about the light, or I end up not using it often.
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