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Старый 30.09.2013, 05:57 Автор темы   1
Регистрация: 24.09.2013
Последняя активность: 30.09.2013 09:49
Адрес: Texas, USA
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По умолчанию Maglite 2AAA Modded with an XP-G2 and runs on a 10440

I am modding an Incandescent Mini-Mag 2AAA light into a single 10440, direct drive, with a Cree XP-G2 led.

Here's the 2AAA torn down, ready to rip it up.

I want to install a long heat sink inside the body, but first I have to file off the top of the body flush, so I have a good contact ring for ground. This light will turn on when the head is tightened and turn off when it is loosened.

The one piece heat sink/pill is made of a piece of 3/8 thick wall copper tubing, with a 1/2" copper disc soldered on one end, which the led star sits on and a plastic spacer and 6mm copper disc for the positive contact.

The XP-G2 is on a 10mm star. The ground wire is grounded direct to the copper disc below the star.

The plastic washer isolates the positive contact. This one piece heat sink/pill will slip into the body.

The reflector came out of an AA light that had a 5mm led in it. I had to do some major sanding to get it to work. I had to sand the OD a little and sand down the base at the led end.

I also had to stipple the reflector, as it had a nasty donut hole and rings in it. It is not the optimum reflector, but with this AAA light, there's not much of an "optimum" reflector.

The important thing is it fits.

I also had to relieve the head to get the darned reflector to fit in. It still does not fit all the way in, due to the OD of the reflector. I did this with a dremel tool and a #115 dremel bit.

As I said, it does not all fit in correctly. You can see the gap between the head and bezel.

So, I threw on a glow ring over it.

The pill slips into the body and it is not tight. It has to be loose enough to move up and down, to make or break contact. I also have a piece of clear tape around the copper up near the top, so there will be no accidental touching of the pill to the body.

This light is not regulated. It is direct drive, so a freshly charger IMR is OverKill. On first turn on the darned thing read 3.5 amps! After about 30 seconds, it throttled down to 2.5 amps and then steadily drops off from there.
It would be better to use a "budget cell", so it would not see so many amps at start up.

The finished light

Beam Shots

That's All Folks
Old-Lumens вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Поблагодарили: 6 раз(а)
Alex TG (30.09.2013), nomorewar (30.09.2013), panther26 (29.01.2014), Pertutto (01.10.2013), PLAY (30.09.2013), V44 (25.04.2014)
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