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По умолчанию Review: Nightstick Work-Light Group review (NSP-2422R, MT-130, NSR-2492)

Author's Statement for Transparency and Disclosure
The test sample/s featured in this article have been provided for technical testing and review by the manufacturer. Test samples are retained by the reviewer following publication of the completed review for the purposes of long term testing and product comparisons.

All output figures and test results published in this review are the sole work of the reviewer, and are carried out independently and without bias. Test results are reported as found, with no embellishments or alteration. Though best endeavours are made to maintain the accuracy of test equipment, the accuracy of these results is not guaranteed and is subject to the test equipment functioning correctly.

My second group review of Nightstick lights includes three light from the Multi-Purpose/Work-light/Task-light range. These are general purpose lights for tradesmen, mechanics and DIYers which are ideal for your garage, loft and around the home. In this review I’m looking at:

NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck

This set of lights as they arrived.

Taking a more detailed look at the NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light:

This light is rechargeable light and comes with two charging options, mains and 12V car charging, and also includes a magnetic hanger and instructions.

The light arrives with the hook hanger clipped onto the top of the light. This simply pulls off and you can fit the magnet or hook option.

On the back are the two switches and the charging port.

The switch covers are textured rubber.

Nightstick are great at using the latest LEDs (well better than many bulk producers) and this light has an XP-G2 LED for the spot beam.

For the flood beam there is an array of low profile 5mm helmet LEDs

The flood beam LEDs are a very cold white.

There is a warning to read the instructions before using the light to check the charging information. The charging port is a standard DC type socket.

The hook sits in a folded position against the body.

And flips round 180 degrees to allow for hanging.

The NSR-2492 has a flat base so will stand on its own.

Next to the flood array, is a red charging indicator LED. While charging this is red, when fully charged it goes out.

The mains charger specifications state it is an 8V output. The car charger has a 12V output, and Nightstick confirmed any input voltage between 8V and 12V is acceptable for the NSR-2492 to charge.

Taking a more detailed look at the NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets:

This is almost the same light as the Intrinsically Safe Dual-Beam XPP-5422G previously reviewed here.

The light is supplied with a set of Alkaline cells and an instruction manual.

The two magnets that add great versatility to this light. Very cleverly, the magnets are recessed a tiny amount to prevent the magnet itself touching the metal surface. Only the plastic of the light’s body will touch the metal surface (unless the surface is very rounded).

There are Dual-switches for the Dual-outputs.

The flood beam is emitted through a clear round window on the side of the light.

Both LEDs are CREE XP-E2.

Looking straight into the reflector, there is a textured part nearest the XP-E2 LED and the rest is smooth.

Inside the casing is a one piece battery holder, reflector, driver and LED module. Effectively the outer housing is one a protective case for this insert. The insert functions fully when out of the case.

A look at the moulded plastic threads.

The corresponding threads in the head and the black rubber seal.

An even closer look at the flood XP-E2 LED.

And it is easier to see the spot LED when the insert is taken out of the housing.

The dual-switches on the insert.

The battery contacts are gold plated.

Using three AA cells, these are arranged in 3S1P configuration.

There is plenty of spring travel and this accommodated all AA cells I tried with no issue.

After fitting all the cells into the insert, this can then be placed back into the housing ready to go.

Taking a more detailed look at the MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck:

Onto the last of this small group, the MT-130 Gooseneck. As it comes out of the pack, the TM-130 has the magnetic base clipped on and the flexible neck clipped back. Surprisingly the MT-130 was supplied with ZnC AAs. These are the worst type of AA cells only suited to very low power requirements, but Nightstick confirmed that these can be supplied with various lights instead of Alkaline cells.

Popping the MT-130 out of the magnetic holder and freeing the neck.

The contact surface of the magnetic holder is bare metal and the ceramic magnet. Not the most anti-scratch of surfaces.

Ignoring the flexible Gooseneck, the MT-130 has a very conventional 2xAA light body. With clicky tailcap.

Again, a conventional head and reflector sits on the end of the flexible neck.

In the centre of the textured reflector is an XP-G R5 LED.

The gooseneck gives you a great deal of flexibility and means you can access areas other lights just won’t reach.

The negative contact spring in the tail-cap.

After removing the battery tube the positive contact can be clearly seen.

Out of the pack the tail-cap thread is a little dirty, however this does not affect the function of this light.

The threads on the head end of the battery tube are cleaner.

One flaw I came across was that when refitting the tail-cap, the o-ring is pushed out. If you take the tail-cap back off and go slowly you can then persuade the o-ring to stay in place, but it does need a prod with a finger nail.

The beam

Please be careful not to judge tint based on images you see on a computer screen. Unless properly calibrated, the screen itself will change the perceived tint.
The indoor beamshot is intended to give an idea of the beam shape/quality rather than tint. All beamshots are taken using daylight white balance. The woodwork (stairs and skirting) are painted Farrow & Ball "Off-White", and the walls are a light sandy colour called 'String' again by Farrow & Ball. I don't actually have a 'white wall' in the house to use for this, and the wife won't have one!

Due to the number of beamshots for each light, they have been compiled into an animated gif for each light. These show indoor beams and combinations for the dual-beam lights, as well as outdoor shots where appropriate.

NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light

NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets

MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck (yes this does run out of steam outdoors).

Modes and User Interface:

All these lights have very simple on-off controls with single brightness levels only. Brief notes are included for each:

NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light
- Both switches are reverse-clickies and can be operated entirely independently or together.

NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets
- The Spot beam switch is a forward clicky
- The Flood beam is a reverse clicky

MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck
- the switch is a forward clicky

Batteries and output:

NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light - rechargeable
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – 3xAA
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck – 2xAA

To measure actual output, I built an integrating sphere. See here for more detail. The sensor registers visible light only (so Infra-Red and Ultra-Violet will not be measured).

Please note, all quoted lumen figures are from a DIY integrating sphere, and according to ANSI standards. Although every effort is made to give as accurate a result as possible, they should be taken as an estimate only. The results can be used to compare outputs in this review and others I have published.

___________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Nightstick model and mode I.S. measured ANSI output Lumens PWM frequency or Strobe frequency (Hz)
___________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light – Spot Beam 200 0
NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light – Flood Beam 252 0
NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light – Both Beams 320 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Spot Beam (Alkaline) 108 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Flood Beam (Alkaline) 72 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Both Beams (Alkaline) 142 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Spot Beam (NiMh) 79 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Flood Beam (NiMh) 46 0
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets – Both Beams (NiMh) 101 0
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck (supplied ZnC cells) 62 0
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck (Alkaline) 159 0
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck (NiMh) 193 0

* Beacon and Strobe output measurements are only estimates as the brief flashes make it difficult to capture the actual output value.

Peak Beam intensity was measured for the spot beams only:

NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light - 9700lx @1m giving a beam range of 197m.
NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets - 6200lx @1m giving a beam range of 157m.
MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck - 2600lx @1m giving a beam range of 102m.

There is no parasitic drain in the NSP-2422R or MT-130. There is probably no drain in the NSR-2492, but it was not possible to measure this as it is a sealed unit.

NOTE: the figures quoted above for the flood beams, and both beams on the dual beam lights are only estimates. The integrating sphere was giving different results due to the deep insertion of the light body to capture the flood output. Main/Spot beams should be well represented.

The runtime graph shows outputs for the various options shown in the legend. This shows the relative performance of Alkaline and NiMh cells.

Due to the overlapping lines, here is only the first 15 minutes to more clearly show the start of each trace.


This section is included to mention any minor niggles I come across during testing, in case the information helps anyone else.

Being based in Europe, the only issue I had was that the charging adaptor for the NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light was not dual voltage and will not work on 240V ac.

As per the description of this section, this information is provided in case anyone else finds a similar 'issue' that might be fixed in the same way.

The Nightstick multi-purpose lights in use

We are now spoiled for choice for lights that have various modes, super high outputs and different controls. However, hand any of these to a non-flashaholic (and if you are reading this and don’t know what a flashaholic is, then you are not one), and most just want to turn it on and not need a 30 minute induction into using the light.

These lights win in the ‘simple to use’ category and also give you a great deal of flexibility into how you can put light where you need it.

The ‘NSR-2492 Multi-Purpose Work Light’ is a wand type of light, and used hand-held gives you the contrasting spot and flood beams, both of which cast light comfortably where you want. Add to this a hook, magnetic holder and tail-standing ability and you also get several hands-free options. Lightweight and rechargeable it makes an ideal loft, garage or vehicle light.

Personally I find the ‘NSP-2422R Dual-Light with magnets’ to be that perfect toolbox light. The two magnets give a range of mounting positions and the clip makes it possible to fix it in other situations. The choice of spot or flood beams allows for the right type of light for the job (spot vs flood makes a hug difference to every task).

Though I would have been happy with both switches being forward-clicky type, only the spot beam’s switch is. Actually this makes a lot of sense that only the spot beam has momentary operation as this is the one you are more likely to point with and flash the beam whereas the flood beam is unlikely to be used in this way.

For a light that reaches the places other lights do not, MT-130 Mini-TAC Gooseneck is the clear winner. As long as the head fits into the space you are lighting, you can pre angle the head and post it into a small area to point where you want it. Something a normal light simply could not do. The long neck does make it unwieldy for general tasks, but when you need its long flexible neck you really need it and the MT-130 saves the day.

We all know that there is never any one size-fits-all solution for lighting, so we need different lights for different uses. In this review we are only looking at three of the Nightstick range, but there are so many more options to check out.

Want the highest outputs, best beams and military build strength then look elsewhere, but if you want some useful lighting options these offer a lot.

Review Summary

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Things I like What doesn't work so well for me
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Dual Beam configuration
Magnetic mounting
Flexible gooseneck O-ring seal issue
Lots of mounting configurations
AA power / Rechargeable
Simple to use

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