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Аватар для skilhunt
Регистрация: 08.08.2011
Последняя активность: 15.11.2024 12:50
Сообщений: 202
Сказал(а) спасибо: 1
Поблагодарили: 150 раз(а) в 51 сообщениях

По умолчанию New M4D intelliget LCD digicharger release

M4D LCD Digicharger:
High compatibility, compatible with Li-ion, LiFePO4, IMR, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries.
Can charge 4pcs batteries all with 1000mA charging current at the same time, fast charge to save your time.
One button easy control all charging status.
Four battery channels independent control.
Soft-start function, to avoid damage from large current charge and safely charge small capacity batteries.
Four charging current options for all channels. ( 300mA, 500mA, 700mA and 1000mA )
LCD display to you each of batteries charging status include charging current, charging capacity,
charging time, charging voltage. Free control the charging process at any time.
Reverse polarity protection,to protect from improper battery installation.
Short-circuit, over-load and over-heat protected, intelligent circuits.
Three-stage charge (CC, CV and Trickle Charge).
Use new fire-retardant flame-resistant material for safety.
0V activation function can wake up the over-discharged sleeping batteries
USB output function, can be portable power source for your mobile devices.
The M4D digicharger is an universal, intelligent LCD charger compatible with almost all
types of rechargeable batteries thus eliminating the need to own several chargers. The
M4D is a real fast charger that can charge 4pcs batteries all with 1000mA charging current at the same time.
The M4D is able to automatically identify Li-ion, IMR, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries and apply an appropriate charging mode
( Constant Charge Current (CC), Constant Charge Voltage (CV) and Trickle Charge).
The M4D’s LCD display to you each of batteries charging status include charging current, charging time, charging voltage, charging capacity. The user can also manually choose the current by the switch button.
The charger default to charge Li-ion/ IMR or Ni-MH / Ni-Cd. Hold the MODE button 5 seconds switch to LiFePO4 charging mode and LCD display as “LiFePO4”. Hold the MODE button 5 seconds switch back to the original charging mode.
The charger default charging current at 300mA. Hold the MODE button 2 seconds to switch charging current at 300mA/500mA/700mA /1000mA. After selection 8 seconds, the charger start to charge.
Press the MODE button, switch to display battery charging time or charging capacity.
In USB output status, hold the MODE button 2 seconds to connect or disconnect the power supply.
Input voltage: DC 12V/2A
Output voltage: 4.2V±0.05V / 1.42V /3.65±0.05V
Output current: 300 mA × 4 / 500 mA × 4 / 700 mA × 4 / 1000 mA × 4
Li-ion / IMR/LiFePO4: 26650, 22650,18650,17670,18490,17500,17335,16340(RCR123),14500
Ni-MH / Ni-Cd: AA,AAA,SC,C
For this charger may only be used with rechargeable battery types listed above. Do not attempt to charge other battery types, this is dangerous and may cause personal injury!
Do not mix charge LiFePO4 battery with other battery types!
USB output: 5V 1A
USB output no-load voltage: 4.90V ~ 5.30V
Max output current:1000mA
Over-discharge protection voltage: 3.0V±0.1V
Note: USB output function only work at IMR or Li-ion batteries.
Weight: 203g (without battery and adapter)
Size: 160mm*93mm*36mm
Storage temperature: -20℃~ 60℃

[Исправлено: skilhunt, 04.11.2015 в 11:32]
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