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Party Olight M3X-UT Javelot (Dedomed XP-L, 3 or 4xCR123A, 2x18650) Review

Olight has released another thrower light "M3XS-UT". It is clearly designed to be more of dedicated thrower light. The likely reason for the M3XS-UT is that it has a dedomed Cree XP-L emitter and a side button from the existing model M3X. The light runs on 3xCR123A or 4xCR123A / 2x18650 batteries (with extender).

The light comes in a very nice plastic carry case with cutout foam. Included in the case is the light with removable grip ring (attached), belt holster, extender, spare o-rings, 3xCR123A battery magazine, manual and warranty card.
Manufacturer Specifications from Olight website & manual :

• Beam Distance : 1000m
• CD : 250,000
• Waterproof Rating : IPX8 (waterproof up to 2 meters)
• Impact Rating : 1m
• LED : Cree XP-L High Intensity
• Compatible Batteries : 3x CR123A, 4xCR123A or 2x 18650 (with included extender tube)
• Dimensions : 211mm (Length), 63mm (Bezel Diameter)
• Weight : 255g / 9ounces (excluding batteries)

The specifications in the chart to the right claim to ANSI/NEMA FL1-2009 Standards. Tests are performed with 2x CR123A(3.0V) 1500mAh batteries.

The hard (type III) anodizing is a matte black and consistent throughout with no chips or blemishes to be found on my sample. Lettering is clear and bright white against the black background. Like the M3X, there are large checkered portions on the battery tube.

The external build of the M3XS-UT is very similar to the Olight M3X (i.e., anodizing is a matte black finish (type III), and raised checkered pattern on the battery tube on all lights). But, unlike the M3XS-UT, Screw threads are not anodized on the M3X. Screw threading the M3XS-UT doesn't match the M3X. So you can't use either the extender or the tailcap of the M3X on the M3XS-UT.

The light comes apart into three or four parts (i.e. head, battery tube (or extender), and tailcap) without the use of tools.

The head has a shallow crenellated bezel which is removable. The bezel has a band of squares, and the head has a series of cooling fins in the middle of it. The light has thicker cooling fins than the M3X. There's a large number of concentric ring ridges at the end of the head, but are shallower than the M3X. The light has an o-ring between the bezel and lens.
The M3XS-UT uses an electronic side button in the head for mode changing. There is a hard plastic outer button cover with a clear center used to show the red LED indicator underneath.
There is a metal ring surrounding the button, which holds the button cover in place.
You will see a spring on the positive contact board in the head, so flat-top batteries should work fine. Olight says you can use 4xRCR123A with an extender in the light (i.e., the light can handle 4xRCR123A cells, and takes up to 12V which means that if the voltage of the cells is higher than that voltage, there is a safety mechanism that blocks the excess voltage). I'd recommend the quailty 18650 Li-ion batteries, as the 18650 cell has not only higher capacity but higher discharge ratio than 16430 cells though. The light does have electrical reverse polarity protection function to protect from improper battery installation.

I assume there is a low voltage warning sensor under the side button. The red LED below the button will light up as the battery nears exhaustion. On/off is controlled by the physical tailcap clicky switch, but all mode switching is done by the electronic side button in the head. This mode-changing button in the head has very good feel for an electronic switch. It is relatively easy to locate by feel or sight, and has a definite click, with typical traverse.

It seems the light uses ultra-clear tempered AR coating lens. The purple hue is reflected on the lens. The aluminum reflector has a smooth pattern. Surface finish on the reflector is perfect from visual inspection. Neither centering of the emitter nor dedomed XP-L was so perfect on my sample. It's almost invisible to the naked eye, but visible when magnified. There is a little residue left over from the dedoming process, but no sign of damage on the emitter.
I found asymmetry of the corona in the white door beamshot at a close distance.

As an aside, I was wondering whether Olight used a domeless new XP-L High Intensity or a dedomed existing XP-L. Olight has conformed the dedoming process of the existing XP-L was done by Olight in their factory.

The M3XS-UT gives you a good moonlight output level.

The battery tube and the extender are mostly covered in a raised checkered portion with two flat faces machined on where manufacturer name & model name are printed. The metal grip ring helps enhance grip, and it's removable without removing the o-rings on the body end. The grip is not as rough as aggressive knurling, but overall grip is acceptable and good. The body tube is wide enough to accommodate my all size 18650 cells, but you may find that very long cells under tight pressure with the dual springs.

The bundled 3xCR123A battery magazine is optional, so you don’t need to use it in this configuration, but it certainly removes batteries rattle in case you use it.

Threads on both ends are well machined, with being anodized which allows the light to be locked-out when the tailcap is loosened about one and a half turns. The screws threads are good quality triangular cut and square cut respectively. There are also a good number of threads. The light has double o-rings on the both ends, but one on the extender end. My sample has good lube on both ends of the body.
Threads on either ends on the battery tube mate well with the head and tailcap with no issues of cross-threading or grinding.

The tailcap switch is a forward clicky. The rubber switch cap is recessed within the tail end. In general, it means the tail switch can be a bit difficult to access, especially when you are wearing gloves. I however, don't have any difficulties to access, thanks to the crenellated tail end. The light can tailstand. The negative terminal at the tailcap has a good elastic spring covered with a small brass disc to increase surface contact area and have no risk of scratching battery. I feel a little squish from the rubber boot as I push the tail switch.
The switch feel is not so stiff (i.e., good) with average travel and tactile clicking feedback.
User Interface

Turn the light on/off by the forward tailcap switch. Lightly press and hold for momentary, click (press and release) for constant on. Click again to turn off.

To change modes, click the electronic button in the head, while the light on. Mode sequence is Low -> Mid. -> High -> Low, in repeating sequence. The light has mode memory, and returns the last level set after turning the tail switch off/on.
Press and hold the side button in the head, then press the tail cap switch, you will get Moonlight mode. No mode memory for this mode.

Press and hold the electronic button for 1 sec to access Strobe mode. A single click exits you from Strobe back into constant output. Note that the light has mode memory for the strobe too.

From left to right, VicLite 18650 (2600mSh) protected, Olight M3X (XM-L2 T6), Olight M3XS-UT (dedomed XP-L), Crelant 7G5CS (XM-L U3), Armytek Barracuda (XM-L U2).
The above picture shows the 4xCR123A (or 2x18650) configuration with extender.

From left to right, Olight M3X (XM-L2 T6), Olight M3XS-UT (dedomed XP-L), Crelant 7G5CS (XM-L U3), Armytek Barracuda (XM-L U2).

The light comes with a nice nylon belt holster with a button on the head. The light fits in the holster head-up only. It has a loop allows to carry it in horizontal position for belt.

M3XS-UT is long light, as expected from a 2x18650's or 3/4xCR123A's powered light since the batteries are arranged end-to-end. The overall size and weight of the light is reasonable for this class. If you want to carry it and have it feel well balanced, you need to shift to a grip nearer the head. Overall build quality is high.
Measured Dimensions & Weight


The M3XS-UT shows no sign of PWM at any output levels. I do think the light is constant current controlled. I noticed there is no buzzing sound at any levels.

The runtime to fall to 10% of its initial output from 30 seconds after the point the light is first turned on (i.e., based on ANSI FL-1) for High and Mid. is as above graph :
M3XS-UT continues to have a defined step-down on High (after 5 mins of continuous runtime in this case). The difference on the light is that the step-down is gradual, taking about 2.8 mins to level off at the lower High level (i.e., higher output than Mid.). This means you are unlikely to notice the step-down on the light. This is a timed step-down feature (i.e., not a thermally step-down). Note that you can turn the light off-on to restore initial max. output. After 7.8mins, the light enters a period of flat regulation.

On Mid., M3XS-UT maintains perfectly flat regulation for an extended period.

Runtime performance is very good and flat regulation is evident on all modes with 2x18650 cells.

The above is a 2secs sampling frequency. You can see the timed step-down feature on the light in more detail.

Overall efficiency seems good for the 2x18650 class, when taking into account the same number of cells.

1. White door beamshot (about 50cm from the white door) on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO125, F/8.0, 1/25sec, Auto white balance

- ISO125, F/8.0, 1/100sec, Auto white balance

- ISO125, F/8.0, 1/800sec, Auto white balance

- ISO125, F/8.0, 1/2000sec, Auto white balance

The light shows a narrow hot spot and medium spill beam against the stock dome-on lights. Normally, the dedoming tends to produce tint shift towards lower (warmer) color temperature, and it allows a more intense focusing of the beam with a reflector or lens (i.e., makes beam tighter and throws beam farther).
The ligh has basically a cool white XP-L, but a little more neutral white than completely cool. The tint of the M3XS-UT is not as green looking in real life as in the above white door beamshot. The automatic white balancing (AWB) on the camera tends to enhance the green tint somewhat. I can see a noticeable asymmetry of the corona on Low, Mid. output level at very close distance. I think it's due to the imperfect centering of the emitter and a little left-over residue from the dedoming process, in my view.

This is comparison beamshot between Olight M3X and M3XS-UT (about 50cm from the white door) on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells.
As you know, M3X has a typical cool white tint, and M3XS-UT shows a bit warmer tint than M3X. Again, the M3X and M3XS-UT are not as respectively blue and green looking in real life as in the above photo. The AWB on the camera tends to enhance the blue (or green) tint somewhat.
2. 55m Outdoor Beamshot on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO125, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance


3. 60~65m Outdoor Beamshot on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO125, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance


4. 85m Outdoor Beamshot on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO160, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance



5. 120m Outdoor Beamshot on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO160, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance


6. 390m Outdoor Beamshot on max. output on 2x18650 (2600mAh) VicLite protected cells
- ISO160, F/2.8, 1sec, Auto white balance


The M3XS-UT is an outstanding thrower for its class. It has a fairly tightly focused hotspot. This is number one throwing stock XP-L light I have tested to date.
Overall Impression

• Build quality is high
• Mode memory for High, Mid., Low, Strobe
• You can use 3xCR123A (or 2x18650 or 4xCR123A with a bundled extender)
• True flat-top batteries work fine
• Timed step-down feature on High, but gradual step-down
• Electrical reverse polarity protection function
• Moonlight mode is available
• Low battery warning indication function (i.e., the red LED below the side button will light up as the battery nears exhaustion)
• No sign of PWM flickers at any output modes
• Beam shows greenish yellow tint from the dedomed emitter
• No anti-roll indentations on the body
• Imperfect centering of the emitter and a little left-over residue from the dedoming process
• Number one throwing stock XP-L light I have tested to date, but it's not domeless XP-L HI
Thanks for watching!
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Kelevratony (08.07.2015), shruzzzz (09.07.2015), Vladimir Bezhan (08.07.2015)
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