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Старый 11.06.2011, 19:44 Автор темы   1
Аватар для Admin
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По умолчанию THE INCREDIBLE TORCH!...Helping Everyone Around Danger!

And so... it begins again.
If you missed the first season, it's here.

I will post the new "flashtoon" within the thread, and also update the first one here.

I highly encourage your comments, as then I know to keep it up. So please feel free to post if you enjoy it.

I will attempt to post a new flashtoon every few days.

If you were wondering just why I am doing this, it is simple. I have no idea. I must be insane.


When we last left our Deranged Duo, they were at home, and had just realized... they had become "special".

Rather than get costumes right away... as Hogo had not yet started his leather holster making business, they decided to...

And where better to learn to fly than in Arizona. Don't need to teach you how to take off or land, but flying, heck yes! We can teach you that!

And so Shorty finds himself a nice looking tennis player to teach him to skydive...

And Longman finds an astronaut to teach him to fly...

Over the radio we hear Longman "Flight com, I can’t hold her! She’s breaking up! She’s breaking—”.

Shorty witnesses the incident while gliding down to earth with his napkin parachute.

Longman's Northrop M2-F2 hits the ground at 250mph and tumbles, throwing him from the craft.

After seeing his friend crash and smashed into pieces, Shorty finds he has problems of his own.

What is left of Longman and Shorty, is brought to... Oscar Goldman.

Hogo responds in the same manner he deals with folks at work.
Besides, it was HDS that invented the world's first programmable flashlight.

I didn't think he would take me literally.

What's left of Longman and Shorty are rebuilt in Henry's lab...

Shorty tries his new emitter...

NOTE: Although Thor's Hammer Custom Leather, AKA Hogokansatsukan does sell HDS lights, and gives a good discount on custom made holsters for them when you buy a light from him, he does NOT sell Chia Shorty, nor Chia Pets of any kind. He also does not condone or sanction the growing of organic matter on your flashlights, which could possible void ones warranty.

Neither Thor’s Hammer Custom Leather nor Hogo condone the use of maru… or in this case… whatever that chia stuff is for medical or recreational purposes. Please have your flashlights act responsibly and teach them young to “Just say no to Chia”.

Well. Longman didn't quit. I had to promise him that he would get some "super hero" special training from one of the greatest superhero's of our time. I figured our boys needed to learn how to defend themselves, so off they went... to the cave!

And so the Dark Nitecore shows our boys how to fight...

So, Longman and Shorty follow the Dark Nitecore out into the dark city...

The dynamic trio run from the bar and head down the ally.
Suddenly, strange metalic objects comes flying right at the trio.

And so, Shorty uses his vast hand to hand combat skills he learned from the Dark Nitecore to try and fend of the evil villian...

Admin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Mauser (11.06.2011)
Старый 11.06.2011, 20:51   2
Ветеран Фонарёвки
Аватар для Leon
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По умолчанию Re: THE INCREDIBLE TORCH!...Helping Everyone Around Danger!

Leon вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 11.06.2011, 23:03   3
Аватар для Donkey
Регистрация: 01.11.2010
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По умолчанию Re: THE INCREDIBLE TORCH!...Helping Everyone Around Danger!

некисло авторы покурили
Donkey вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 11.06.2011, 23:03   4
Ветеран Фонарёвки
Аватар для Mauser
Регистрация: 04.06.2010
Последняя активность: 23.07.2016 02:12
Адрес: Odessa.Ukraine.
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По умолчанию Re: THE INCREDIBLE TORCH!...Helping Everyone Around Danger!

Mauser вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 12.06.2011, 13:59   5
Ветеран Фонарёвки
Аватар для Alexandr8253
Регистрация: 04.04.2011
Последняя активность: Вчера 09:47
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По умолчанию Re: THE INCREDIBLE TORCH!...Helping Everyone Around Danger!

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