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По умолчанию Shadow TC350 (XM-L U2 | 1 x 18650) Review

Shadow's TC350 fills the slot in their lineup as the only dedicated 1x18650 light (the GF1 is a hybrid w/shorty tube):

It utilizes the same UI as its brethren except that it features an extra forward mechanical clicky tail-switch in addition to the electronic side-switch (like on the TC500 and JM07). This is a very popular and thus crowded segment, let's see how it holds up to its peers...

- Cree XM-L U2 LED with lifespan of 50,000 hours,maximum output of 600 lumens.- Digitally regulated output, maintains constant brightness.
- Low voltage warning flash.
- Reverse polarity protection.
- Tactical forward click switch for on/off operation.
- Ergonomic side switch to enable mode switching; 3 light levels and 1 hidden strobe mode(acquiescence):
High, Medium, Low (Strobe accesed via quick double click).
- Textured Aluminum reflector.
- Beam throws over 200 meters.
- Made of durable 6061 aluminum alloy.
- CNC manufactured.
- Stainless steel bezel and lanyard ring.
- Toughened ultra-clear glass lens.
- Premium Hard Anodized Type III Grey finish. Scratch resistant and anti-abrasive.
- IPX-8 waterproof.
- 144mm(Length)x21mm(Body)x37mm(Head).
- 135g weight (batteries not included).
- Powered by Li-ion battery: 1x18650. 2x18650 with optional extended battery tube.
- Test run(Powered by 1x18650,capacity of 3.7V/2600mAh,Sanyo):
High Mode:1.3 hrs,800lm
Med. Mode: 4.3 hrs.
Low Mode: 13 hrs.
- Included accessories: lanyard/spare rubber switch cover/O rings/glass lens/switch.

The TC350 arrived in the following box and ample foam cushioning:

Here is a complete video summary of the TC350 while while I work on fleshing out this review:
Прямая ссылка на видео YouTube


L to R: Redilast 3400 | XENO S3A | Shadow GF1 w/18650 tube | Sunwayman T20C | Shadow TC350 | XTAR TZ20 | ThruNite TN11S | Crelant V9-T6 | Niwalker NWK600 N1 | Nitecore P25

The TC350 is one of the more compact 1x18650-sized lights despite it's tail-switch. It fits very well in my medium-sized hand in either over/under-hand grip:

Indoors (5m)




For details of the above indoor shots and comparo vs. many other lights, please check Epic Indoor Shots Trilogy

The relevant battery stats are provided above each runtime graph along with:
- Voltage of the battery at the start and end of the test
- Current draw
- Actual runtime using ANSI FL1 (first in HR and then in M so for the RL3400 on High, read this as 1.7hrs or 101min)
- As of May 2012: Lumens measured on my PVC LMD @ 30 seconds
- Also for Turbo, captured the temperature: ambient, the head/fins at start and the max it reached (fan was used for all bats)

Max output measured @ 30 seconds was 736lms w/the RediLast 3400 (note: although I calibrate my PVC LMD before each runtime/lumens testing, the ambient temp will also cause deviations in readings).

After a slight dip, the TC350 initially runs decently regulated for a short duration before attempting a mild boost to stay in regulation and then going into a drawn out decline when the cells can no longer maintain the necessary current draw. The low-voltage warning kicks in at the very end of the run thus it's important to charge the cells immediately at this point since it's already very depleted.



TC350 provided by sbflashlights.com for review.
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