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Старый 08.05.2013, 08:46 Автор темы   1
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По умолчанию Olight M3X Trition XM-L2 (3/4 x R/CR123 | 1/2 x 18650) Review

Olight's M3X has long had a spot as one of the top choices in the thrower category. The original model has now been endowed with Cree's XM-L2 LED and bumps the output up to 1000lms:

Olight also touts 580m throw distance which is achieved by a peak beam intensity of 84.1K cd. Let's see if this latest iteration lives up to claims.

MSRP: $149.95USD
- High performance Cree XM-L2 LED
- Maximum output of 1000 lumens and 580 meters in beam distance
- Two digitally controlled constant-brightness levels and a bright strobe
- Instant access to strobe
- Crenelated front bezel and tailcap designed for close-quarter combat
- Rugged aluminum body with scratch-resistant, indestructible Type-III hard anodizing
- Anti-slip knurling for excellent grip
- Active Thermal Management System (ATM) to protect LED and other components from high temperatures
- Smooth reflector providing perfect-beam with exceptional throw
- Shatter and scratch resistant anti-reflective double coated ultra clear lens
- Friendly user interface, change modes by rotating the head Water resistant to IPX-8 standards Extra extended tube to prolong the runtime Removable stainless steel clip Mountable on firearms using a compatible weapon mount

- Battery Options in 3-cell Configuration (Batteries not included):
3 x Lithium CR123A / Li-Ion RCR123A or 2 x 18500 Protected Li-Ion
- Battery Options in 4 Cell Configuration (with included extender tube) (Batteries not included):
4 x Lithium CR123A (Note: 4 x RCR123A's CANNOT be used with extender) or 2 x 18650 Protected Li-Ion
- Dimensions: 2.48" (63mm) (Diameter) x 9.7" (246mm) (Length) Body Diameter: 0.98" (25mm)
- Weight: 25.36oz (718.9g) (excluding batteries)
- Output (Runtime):
High 1000 Lumens (1.4 hours)
Low 300 Lumens (5 hours)
Strobe 10Hz (2.8 hours)

The M3X continues the tradition of using a presentation case that I first encountered on their M20Ti and M21 models.

Accessories included are: holster, 1 x battery ext. tube, 2 x O-ring's, R/CR123 sleeve:

Note: Clip doesn't appear to be removable.

Here is a complete video summary of the M3X XM-L2 while while I work on fleshing out this review:
Прямая ссылка на видео YouTube


L to R: RediLast 3400 | Lighten7 Max L2A | SureFire M3LT | Shadow TC500 | Sunwayman T40CS | Olight M3X XM-L2 | Crelant 7G5CS

With the extension tube installed, the M3X is on the larger side of the 2x18650 throwers in my collection (yes, M3LT is only a 3xCR123 but sized in the 2X18650 category).

The relevant battery stats are provided above each runtime graph along with:
- Voltage of the battery at the start and end of the test
- Current draw
- Actual runtime using ANSI FL1 (first in HR and then in M so for the RL3100 on High, read this as 1.6hrs or 98min)
- Lumens measured on my PVC LMD @ 30 seconds
- Also for High, captured the temperature: ambient, the head/fins at start and the max it reached (fan was used for all bats)

Max output measured @ 30 seconds was 1160lms w/2 x AW IMR 18500 (note: although I calibrate my PVC LMD before each runtime/lumens testing, the ambient temp will also cause a slight deviation in readings). As of this review, I have started to use template cut-outs to refine the accuracy of my PVC LMD.

On High, after an initial slight dip, the M3X runs nearly perfectly regulated until it can no longer sustain the current draw and in this case, the boost must've been fairly strong to trip the RL3400's PCB thus the sudden cut-out you see in the chart for its run. With the 2 x 18500 IMR's, there is a moderate decline in output until the low voltage warning kicks in. Although I didn't measure the voltage at this time, one should recharge the batteries immediately when this happens as it's typically pretty low already (most LVW's average about 3V).

On Low, the M3X runs nearly immediately in perfect regulation until output drops significantly. While it's still usable (guesstimating approx. 1-2 lms but I'll have to double-check), the batteries should be replaced/recharged immediately as it's already fairly depleted by that point. I can't recall whether the LVW kicked in since the charts don't indicate it but will check again in the future and provided updates.



M3X XM-L2 provided by batteryjunction.com for review.
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