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Старый 30.06.2010, 05:30 Автор темы   1
Аватар для ti-force
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По умолчанию Tiablo A9 SSR-50 Mod

I recently finished my Tiablo A9 SSR-50 mod, and I thought I'd share some pictures of my build with anyone who's interested.

I had to do some trimming on the star for it to fit:

I couldn't get the darn brass pill out of the light without damaging it, so I just left it in the light. I've seen pictures of older A9's and A8's where the pill was removed, but I think Tiablo tightened up there tolerances or something; It's really pressed in there tight.

I had to open up the reflector for the emitter to fit:

I'm using the Shiningbeam driver because I had it on hand. I've added an additional 7135 to the board to raise the current an additional 350ma. I'm hoping to get between 3.1A and 3.2A at the tailcap. I would've already measured it, but I'm waiting on my new (more accurate) DMM to get here. If I can't get the current with these drivers, I'll just find another driver solution or possibly run it direct drive.

A shot of the business end with some of that beautiful UCL glass:

And a shot of the light. I think this is my new favorite light; I love the size and weight of this light:

First I'll include pics of the lights and then the beamshots. Both lights are Tiablo A9's. One of them is unmodded and the other, well, it has an SSR-50 in it. Here goes:

Now for the indoor beamshots. I think I should've backed away from the wall a little further; that's why the picture of the aspheric A9 Q5 emitter is actually out of focus.

First up, standard head with UCL glass for both lights:

And now the aspheric shots:

I took some outdoor beam shots last night and I included this light, so I thought I'd share it in this thread. It should be noted that I used the stock, non-modified SMO reflector for this picture. The opening of the other reflector has been bored out, and it produces a wider beam. It's not a long distance shot or anything, but it's all I've got at the moment. Also, I didn't have time to compare it to the stock A9. I wanted to, but I ran out of time, so I'll include some other reference shots. From each light to the pine tree is roughly 23 feet. I had to take the pictures behind the lights because the camera wouldn't zoom out far enough to capture the spill. All camera settings remained the same for each light.


Fenix TK11 R2

Tiablo A9 SSR-50

Quark 123-2 Turbo

Click here for the KD link.

I used one of my Tiablo A9 two-mode switches, removed the switch from the board and replaced the switch with one of the KD switches. There was a little more to it than that, but it's pretty straightforward.

KD Switches:

Modded Tiablo Switch:

Tiablo Modded Switch on Left, Quark Tactical/Turbo Switch on Right: (notice the resemblance :whistle

These are the results using an AW 2600mAh 18650:

1 Sec: 526.1
30 Sec: 518.8
1 Min: 511.5
2 Min: 503
3 Min: 501.8

Here are the AW IMR 18650 results again:

1 Sec: 562.4
30 Sec: 541.8
1 Min: 533.3
2 Min: 526.1
3 Min: 521.2

Here are the results for the AW 2600mAh using the factory forwarding tailswitch:

1 Sec: 469.1
30 Sec: 426.7
1 Min: 419.4
2 Min: 410.9
3 Min: 409.7

Here are the results for the AW IMR 18650 using the factory forwarding tailswitch:

1 Sec: 470.3
30 Sec: 401.2
1 Min: 391.5
2 Min: 397.6
3 Min: 391.5

As you can see, the numbers take a pretty good hit with the factory switch. At 30 seconds it's down almost 100 OTF with the 2600mAh in combination with the factory switch and the IMR run is down 140 OTF at 30 seconds with the factory switch. 7135 based drivers are usually affected more with added or reduced resistance than other driver types, so the factory switch may not have as large of an impact on other lights.

I have another factory forwarding switch that I installed on this light just to see what it would do and all it does is flicker some. My guess is that switch is on its way out if it sees much use in the future.

[Исправлено: ti-force, 01.07.2010 в 01:23]
ti-force вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.06.2010, 17:38   2

Аватар для LumenHouse.ru
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По умолчанию Re: Tiablo A9 SSR-50 Mod

Where is the beamshot?!
LumenHouse.ru вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.06.2010, 18:24 Автор темы   3
Аватар для ti-force
Регистрация: 30.06.2010
Последняя активность: 29.05.2013 21:02
Адрес: Georgia, U.S.A.
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По умолчанию Re: Tiablo A9 SSR-50 Mod

Посмотреть сообщение Сообщение от LumenHouse.Ru :
Where is the beamshot?!
I will fix this evening. It should have been here.
ti-force вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.06.2010, 18:59 Автор темы   4
Аватар для ti-force
Регистрация: 30.06.2010
Последняя активность: 29.05.2013 21:02
Адрес: Georgia, U.S.A.
Сообщений: 45
Сказал(а) спасибо: 0
Поблагодарили: 15 раз(а) в 7 сообщениях

По умолчанию Re: Tiablo A9 SSR-50 Mod

First post edited to add beamshots.

[Исправлено: ti-force, 01.07.2010 в 01:25]
ti-force вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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